Ad Book Sponsor 2025
Placing an ad in the Latino Action Network’s journal or sponsoring a workshop, meal, or event is a powerful way to show your support for a leading organization dedicated to advocating for Latino communities and driving meaningful social change. Not only will your business or personal brand stand out to a diverse and influential audience, but you’ll also be aligning yourself with an organization that champions equity, empowerment, and opportunity. Your ad will reach key stakeholders—community leaders, elected officials, and passionate supporters—who value and remember those who stand with us in our work. By investing in this journal, you’re reinforcing a shared commitment to progress while establishing lasting connections with individuals and businesses that want to move our communities forward. It’s more than just advertising—it’s partnering with the Latino Action Network to build a stronger, more inclusive future.
This year, our community will face unprecedented challenges in New Jersey and nationally. Your sponsorship will be key to the work we do for our community. It will also keep events like these free for those who need the most. Thank you!
Latino Action Network
2025 Annual Legislative Conference Sponsorship Opportunities
The Latino Action Network is pleased to present exciting sponsorship opportunities for our 2025 Annual Legislative Conference. By sponsoring this event, you’ll demonstrate your commitment to advancing equity and justice in the Latino community while gaining visibility for your organization or business. We invite individuals, businesses, and community organizations to explore the sponsorship levels below and join us in this important work.
Sponsorship Levels
Platinum Sponsor – $10,000
- Luncheon Sponsor
- Electronic advertisement throughout the event
- Institution/Company logo featured on our event website for one year
- Main stage acknowledgment with brand signage
- Emcee acknowledgments
- Community Award Sponsor
- Full-page ad in our commemorative Ad Journal
Gold Sponsor – $5,000
- Breakfast Sponsor
- Electronic advertisement throughout the event
- Institution/Company logo featured on our event website for one year
- Emcee acknowledgments
- Community Award Sponsor
- Full-page ad in our commemorative Ad Journal
Silver Sponsor – $3,000
- Workshop Sponsor
- Electronic advertisement throughout the event
- Emcee acknowledgments
- Full-page ad in our commemorative Ad Journal
Bronze Sponsor – $2,500
- Break Sponsor
- Electronic advertisement throughout the event
- Emcee acknowledgments
- Half-page ad in our commemorative Ad Journal
Additional Sponsorship Opportunities
- Panel Presentation Sponsorship
- Breakfast or Lunch Sponsorship
Café Con Leche Networking and Dessert at the Zimmerly Museum
- A unique opportunity to host a post-conference dessert and coffee reception, including a guided tour of the museum.
These sponsorships provide additional ways to showcase your support of Latino Action Network’s statewide advocacy and community-building efforts.
Ad Journal Opportunities
In celebration of the 2025 Annual Legislative Conference, we are producing a commemorative Ad Journal. This publication will feature our distinguished guests, honor award recipients, and recognize the sponsors and supporters who make our conference possible. By placing an ad, you will reach hundreds of civic and corporate leaders while demonstrating your solidarity with the Latino Action Network’s mission. Asylum
Ad Options & Rates
- Full Page: $1,000
- Half Page: $500
- Quarter Page: $250
- New YorkClassified: $150
Submission Instructions
Select Your Ad Size
Check or initial the box next to your desired ad option on the contract form. -
Complete the Form
Fill out all required information accurately and email it. Please make sure that you pay electronically via this page. -
Include Payment
Enclose a check made payable to Latino Action Network for the total amount, or pay electronically (details on the contract form). -
Email Your Artwork
Send a high-resolution digital file (EPS or PDF) to [email protected] no later than February 21, 2025.
For questions or to learn about additional sponsorship options, please contact:
- Javier Robles at 732-887-8722 or
- [email protected]
Ad Journal Contract Form
Name of Organization:
Type of Advertisement
- Full Page ($1000)
- Half Page ($500)
- Quarter Page ($250)
- Classified Ad ($150)
Name of Person or Business Submitting Ad:
Street Address:
City: ____________________ State: ________ Zip Code: _______________
Telephone: _______________________ Fax: __________________________
Email Address: _________________________________________________
Pay electronically here: __________________
Enclosed Check Amount: $_____________________
Please make checks payable to Latino Action Network.
Make payments directly on this page or mail payment to before the deadline:
Latino Action Network
c/o Cardenas Law Office
71 West Main Street, Suite 202
Freehold, NJ 07728
Thank You for Your Support
Your contribution helps us continue our work in amplifying the Latino community’s voice at the local, county, and state levels. We look forward to partnering with you to create a successful and impactful 2025 Annual Legislative Conference.